
Council for Higher Education Internal Audit

The representative group for Higher Education Internal Audit Service providers in the UK

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CHEIA Annual Conference 2024

We are delighted to announce that tickets are now available for our Annual Conference 2024. The conference will take place on the 18th and 19th September and will explore some of the key issues facing us as Internal Audit professionals and the ever changing HE sector risks.


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CHEIA Development Plan

The Executive have taken time and put much effort into creating this document to ensure that we are providing the best possible services for members.

Download the plan


The CHEIA mentoring scheme offers members a chance to learn from others outside their own teams or organisations. This may be particularly useful for early-career audit professionals, those considering career advancement or change, and members of smaller in-house teams looking to develop knowledge of practices in other organisations.

Find out how to join

CITD Group

Are you a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA is the most recognised IT auditor qualification and is awarded by ISACA) or want to become one and not sure how?

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