21 February 2022
Nkechi Ijeomah, CHEIA Administrator
Message from the Chair
A little while ago, we asked for feedback on the September 2021 Conference. Thank you all who contributed to this exercise. This feedback came to front of mind last week as the CHEIA Executive considered the shape of the 2022 Conference and began the search for speakers. It’s still too soon to give any real detail – this will follow once we have more confirmations from those invited to speak – but it’s fairly safe to say that ‘Change’ will be a component of the agenda.
One matter that we did agree on and can share is that the 2022 Conference will be compressed into 2 days online rather than the traditional 3 days for an in-person event. Some might say that this is a bold move, but if we consider that the three-day format started late on Wednesday afternoon and was over by Friday lunchtime, we are effectively eliminating the half-day of travel on either side rather than reducing the high quality content that regular attendees have come to expect. The downside, as we have experienced over the last two years, is that we do not get anywhere near the same level of informal networking from the social side of the occasion, which is why we have not given up hope of a return to the 3-day format in Aston in 2023!
David Williamson, Chair of CHEIA
Head of Internal Audit Service
University of West of Scotland
Bitesize Session
Special thanks to our colleagues from RSM UK LLP for supporting CHEIA with our last two Bitesize sessions and thanks to everyone who provided feedback following those sessions.
The next one, on a fraud-related topic, will take place on 31 March 2022. Further details will be available shortly and booking will as usual be through www.cheia.ac.uk/events.
Bitesize Session Recordings
Those who attended the Bitesize session on 10 February may have noticed that it was recorded. At the request of members, the CHEIA Executive have decided to be recording, with the permission of presenters, the main presentations including any slides and the presenter’s audio/video feed. To ensure that members continue to feel confident to take part in the sessions, the recordings will not include the Q&A at the end and no participant information (such as contact details, questions, or comments) will be captured. Recordings will be made available in the members’ only section on the website. For more information about how CHEIA processes personal data, please refer to our privacy policy at www.cheia.ac.uk.
Join the Heads of Internal Audit Forum & the Practitioners’ Group
If you are yet to be part of either of the above-mentioned groups, contact the CHEIA Administrator at contact@cheia.ac.uk for more information on how you can join. Both groups are having regular virtual meetings which provide very useful catching up and sharing opportunities for members. The Practitioners’ Group currently meets on the first Wednesday of each month and anyone who is not the Head of Internal Audit is welcome to join.
Conference 2022
As mentioned in the December 2021 Update, Conference 2022 will be an online event. The plan is to ensure it is an even better one than 2021’s but we can only achieve this with your help. Please pencil in the event, 7 and 8 September 2022, in your diaries, look out for further information and plan to attend with your colleagues.
BUFDG Audit Survey 2022
The 2022 Audit Survey, based on the 2020/21 accounts is now out. The closing date for this survey is Monday 7th March, and the report will be made available shortly after. The anonymised data set will also be available for those institutions that take part so don’t forget to check and ensure that your institution is in.
BUFDG Festival of Finance 2022
BUFDG is inviting the HE sector to their Finance Festival 2022 taking place from Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th of March. They have described it as an online 3-day extravaganza of all things HE finance and it is completely FREE to all BUFDG members. There are 40 sessions covering everything from Estates to the Economy, from Pensions to Procurement, and from Investment to Insurance and you may find some of benefit. More details and where you can book are available on https://www.bufdg.ac.uk/bufdg-finance-festival-2022/
Training by other Groups in PHES
Other SIOs within the PHES Group organise training which you may be interested in attending. Some, such as the ones by Higher Education Strategic Planners Association, will be advertised on the CHEIA website and you can also visit www.hespa.ac.uk or www.phes.ac.uk for more information.
CHEIA on LinkedIn
If you are on LinkedIn, do connect with CHEIA. We have another opportunity for members to connect and keep in touch with one another. Search Council for Higher Education Internal Audit and join.
Got anything to share with the CHEIA Community?
You can share your plans, current work or your take on a trending internal audit topic with the CHEIA community via our website and the Monthly Updates. Please contact Administrator for more information.
Contact CHEIA