Our first in-person event since 2019 will be held at The Exchange, University of Birmignham - an iconic landmark in central Birmingham, conveniently located for transport links with easy access to Birmingham New Street station.
This one-day event will cover a range of topics including Internal Audit Reporting, Risks and Challenges facing the sector, Fraud in HE and Money Laundering Reporting requirements, and we are privileged to have some excellent speakers to present on these topics. Importantly, however, the day will also provide plenty of opportunity for networking and catching up with colleagues, old and new, some of whom you may have only ever met on teams!
09.15 – 09.50: Arrival and Refereshments
09.50 – 10.00: Welcome and Introduction – Bridget Bishop, Chair, CHEIA
10.00 – 11.00: Session 1: Risks and Challenges for the HE Sector – Kathy Cooper, Audit and Risk Committee Chair, Aston University
This session will look at some of the current and emerging risks, challenges and opportunities facing our institutions from the perspective of an Audit and Risk Committee Chair, and their expectations of the Internal Audit service and how our reports can best serve our organisations in meeting these challenges.
11.00 – 11.45: Session 2: Small Group Discussion – Audit Reporting
Small discussion groups facilitated by members of the CHEIA Executive.
This session will follow on from the first session to pick up on how our audit reports can best serve our organisation’s needs. This will be a ‘Show and tell’ session (BYOR – Bring your own Report) to look at different audit report styles and formats. Delegates will be encouraged to bring along examples of their own audit reports to discuss:
- What works well and what doesn’t?
- What do management and Audit Committees want from an audit report and how can this best be delivered?
The aim of the session is to allow participants to consider different options for audit reporting and identify what would work best at their own organisations.
11.45 – 12.00: Refreshments and Networking
12.00 – 13.00: Session 3: Fraud Risks in the HE Sector
Panel-led discussion to be facilitated by David Foley and Melanie Alflatt, Fraud and Risk specialists at TIAA Ltd.
This will be a facilitated discussion to look at the current and emerging fraud risks in the sector and consider how we as Internal Auditors can be more alert to these types of fraud. The discussion will consider:
- What red flags auditors need to be alert to.
- Key lessons learned from experiences of recent fraud investigations.
- How we can use the outcomes from fraud investigations to help inform the audit plan.
13.00 – 14.00: Lunch
14.00 – 15.00: Session 4: Money-Laundering – Suspicious Activity Reporting and the HE Sector – Ross Phillips, UK Financial Intelligence Unit
This session will look at the requirements on universities to make Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to the National Crime Agency (NCA) in response to money laundering concerns, including advice on what to include in these and the importance of making such reports to the NCA.
15.00 – 15.30: Refreshments and Networking
15.30 – 16.00: Session 5: Feedback from the Day and Closing Remarks
Relfections from the day, led by the CHEIA Executive.
Please refer to our event terms and conditions when booking this event.
Tagged : Audit Methodology, Audit Reporting, Learning and Development, Events
Type : Meeting
Please contact info@cheia.ac.uk for more information