This year's conference focused on two important topics for 2023: The impact of audit on students, and the culture of audit in higher education. The programme for each of the days included morning sessions with invited speakers looking at developments in the environment in which we are working and how we as a community of internal auditors can respond to those developments. These sessions were complemented by a choice of more informal facilitated group break-out discussions in the afternoon where participants were able to reflect upon and share their own experiences on a key topic from the morning session. The Conference was held on-line, allowing us to bring together a fantastic range of contributors, while keeping costs and carbon footprints in check.
Many thanks to everyone who joined us for our third virtual Conference in September. Going by the feedback we received, we are pleased that we were able to deliver a great event to all. For everyone who registered, the presentations from the Conference can be accessed below. We are looking forward to welcoming more of you at our future events.
Programme and Recordings